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3pages, 167 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Hendrik Goltzius"Advanced Search
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Christ before Pilate, plate 5 from The Passion of Christ, 1596. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Last Supper, plate 1 from The Passion of Christ, 1598. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Christ before Caiaphas, plate 4 from The Passion of Christ, 1597. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Entombment, plate 11 from The Passion of Christ, 1596. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Mercury Enamored of Herse, Daughter of Cecrops, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Pygmalion and Galatea, 1593. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Sleeping Danae Being Prepared to Receive Jupiter, 1603. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Apollo Killing the Python, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Phaeton Driving the Chariot to the Sun, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Phaeton Asking for the Chariot, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Juno Complaining to Oceanus and Thetis, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Neptune Pursuing Coronis, Who is Changed into a Crow, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Jupiter and Io, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Pan Pursuing Syrinx, Who Is Changed into a Reed, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Prometheus Forms Man and Animates Him with Fire from Heaven, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Gold, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Bronze, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Age of Iron, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Diana and Her Nymphs Discovering Callisto's Pregnancy, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Pike Bearer, Facing Right, 1583. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Saint James the Greater, 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Saint John the Evangelist, 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Saint Mathias, 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Circumcision, 1594. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Fame and History, 1586. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Amphitrite, Late 1580s. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist, c1593. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Saint Jerome in the Desert, 1596. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Cliff on the Seashore, between 1595 and 1600. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Calliope, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Thalia, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Clio, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Terpsichore, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Euterpe, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Polyhymia, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Urania, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Sol, 1592. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Annunciation, 1594. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Titus Manlius Torquatos, 1586. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Hercules and Cacus, 1588. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Mars (half-length), between circa 1588 and circa 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
A Duel on Horseback, c1578. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Portrait of Lady Françoise van Egmond, 1580. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Mars, between circa 1588 and circa 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Landscape with Seated Couple, between 1595 and 1600. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Salmacis and Hermaphrodite Transformed into a Single Person, published 1615. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Icarus, 1588. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Neptune Plotting the Destruction of Man, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Daphne Changed into a Laurel Tree, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The River God Peneus Surrounded by Other Divinities, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Mercury Killing Argus, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Giants Climbing the Heavens, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Jupiter Taking Council from the Gods about the Destruction of the Universe, published 1589. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Apollo Killing Coronis, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
The Rape of Europa, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Jupiter and the Other Gods Asking Helios to Resume Control of the Chariot, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Jupiter Assuming the Form of Diana in Order to Seduce Callisto, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Arcas Preparing to Kill his Mother, Changed into a Bear, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Battus Changed into a Stone, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Cadmus Asks the Delphic Oracle Where He Can Find his Sister, Europa, published 1615. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.